4 Ways to Incorporate the Global Goals Into Your Chapter Meeting

August was the month of planning, but September is the month of doing. Now that the semester has begun and everyone is starting to get back into the swing of academic life, it is now time to start hosting events that showcase your United Nations Association campus chapter, and fill your schedule with meetings and events.  One of the hardest parts about running a chapter is coming up with content for meetings and ideas for potential events. This blog post is going to show you 4 ways to incorporate the Global Goals into your chapter meetings and events for the month of September.

THEMED MEETINGS: Incorporate the Global Goals in your agenda by holding a chapter meeting themed around one of the goals. Create an engaging PowerPoint, or a workshop that explains the meaning of the goal. Then give your members a way to directly get involved with that goal. Research volunteering opportunities around you. Utilize your UNA resources by looking thought the Advocacy guide book and finding different ways to express your voice!

FOCUS ON INDIVIDUAL GOALS FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL MEMBER: The Global Goals are simple concepts that people can easily relate to. Use these goals to get members to passionately connect to your chapter and develop a need to advocate! Have each chapter member pick one of the 17 goals that resonates the most with them. Then have them research ways to support that goal, be sure to make your chapter their main resource for support.  This is a great way to get people motivated about advocacy. This is also a great way to get people motivated about your chapter!

ORGANIZE A CHARITY DRIVE: Select one or all of the Global Goals to based your fundraiser on! There are many digital resources that UNA can provide for your chapter to advertise this type of event! For example, if you were to choose Goal 5: Gender Equality, then you could reach out to your local Community Chapter, professors, local leaders, activists, and advocates to form a round table event discussing Gender equality. Your chapter can host this event and then charge a small admission fee.

ORGANIZE AN AWARENESS CAMPAIGN: If your campus allows you to sell foods on their premises, hold a Global Goals bake sale. Decorate, for example, a cupcake with a Global Goal number. Then when people begin to buy your baked goods and ask about the numbers on your cupcakes, explain the meaning behind the Global Goal number on the cupcake that they bought. Hand them a pamphlet with more information about how they can get involved and be sure to tell them about your chapter!

I hope this blog post showed all you chapter leaders out there some fun new ways to incorporate the Global Goals into your chapter meetings and future events. Be sure to post loads of content on social media using the hashtags #USAforUN and #GlobalGoals, showing off your chapter’s dedication to the Sustainable Development Goals!


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