Advocacy Tools
A U.S. Citizen's Guide to Advocacy
What can a 501(c)3 nonpartisan organization do to support and strengthen the United Nations? What can an individual do? In a democracy, citizens not only have the right, but the responsibility to let their elected officials know their views on public policy issues. This guide breaks it all down.
Calling Your Member of Congress
Picking up the phone and calling your member of congress is a quick and effective way to share your point of view on an issue. Most importantly, office staff keep track of the number of calls they receive on a specific issue so every call really counts. Before you pick up the phone, check out this helpful guide to calling your Member of Congress.
American Support for the United Nations
Every year, the Better World Campaign conducts public opinion polling to gauge American support for the UN and the key foreign policy issues facing our country. Read the results from our latest polls.
2019 Congressional Briefing Book
Get informed about the U.S. and the UN with this digital version of the 2019 Congressional Briefing Book.
Advocacy Training Toolkit
This toolkit will prepare you to make your voice heard to the new Congress and advocate for the United Nations.
Understanding the Legislative Process
Anyone may draft a bill; however, only members of Congress can introduce legislation, and by doing so become the sponsor(s). This guide breaks down the 4 basic types legislation and the 13 steps to the legislative process.
How to Meet with Your Member of Congress
Setting up and attending a meeting with your Member of Congress can seem overwhelming and intimidating but remember, your elected officials want to hear from their constituents and learn what issues are important to them! This guide will help you plan and execute your meeting successfully.
UNA Talking Points
The United Nations needs YOUR support now more than ever. Be sure to reference this guide for go-to talking points when discussing UNA!
Email Templates: Contacting your Members of Congress
Having trouble writing an email to your Members of Congress requesting an in-district meeting? No problem! Download our email templates to get started.
Mobile Advocacy
We have a mobile action platform that makes it easy for groups of individuals to take action. Here are some mobile actions available to use at your next event.
Webinar: How to Make the Case for the UN
Hone your advocacy skills with this one-hour training webinar with Micah Spangler, Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs for UNA’s sister organization, the Better World Campaign. Whether you plan to participate in UNA’s Lobby Day in June on Capitol Hill, or you’re simply interested in organizing your own in-district meeting, Micah will detail how to plan and execute an effective dialogue with your Members of Congress and their staff. He also shares tactics to help you influence your elected officials and provides helpful resources.
Webinar: Advocacy Writing Through Op-Eds
Are you passionate about combating climate change, reducing inequalities, or ensuring education is available to all worldwide? This online skill development webinar will prepare you to advance Global Goals through opinion editorial, or op-ed, writing. Dr. Martin Edwards, international organizations expert and Associate Professor at Seton Hall’s School of Diplomacy and International Relations, guided webinar attendees through the process of structuring and pitching op-eds, with a focus on key advocacy issues.
Webinar: UNA Advocacy Training
Advocacy is an important part of supporting the vital work of United Nations and maintaining strong U.S. leadership within this organization. Learn what advocacy means, best practices, and different ways in which you can set up advocacy efforts within your community.
UN Funding Update with Peter Yeo
As a founding member of the UN, the United States plays a vital role in promoting peace and upholding human rights around the world. However, recent news regarding the UN funding crisis has alarmed many Americans across the U.S. During our recent UN Update webinar, Peter Yeo, President of the Better World Campaign, provided insight on how this funding crisis is unfolding, and what UN advocates can do to take action.
Understanding America's Perspective on the UN
Year after year, the results of a nationwide poll conclude that Americans overwhelmingly support a strong U.S.-UN partnership. During this upcoming webinar, Erica Briceño Howard, Director of Policy and Advocacy Communications for the Better World Campaign, will interpret our latest poll and why its findings are significant for the future of U.S.-UN relations.