Summer Chapter Checklist
Use this checklist to stay on track over the summer and propel your chapter to success in the fall!
– Please submit chapter reports no later than May 20
– Plan an effective leadership transition
– Set date for goal setting retreat with new E-Board: UNA national can help with a virtual retreat
– Stay in contact: Create a summer communications plan with your E-Board or decide who’s running social media; be sure to get access to all social media accounts and emails that the old E-board was using
– Establish expectations for chapter and executive board members
– Set summer deadlines/deliverables
– Participate in the UNA Leadership Summit
– Set-up meetings with your elected officials
– Feature chapter members doing interesting projects or internships over the summer
– Stay active on social media by posting interesting articles and recognize UN days like World Refugee Day on June 20
– Stay in touch with school administration (student activities office) or faculty advisor (they have free time over the summer and are able to talk with you)
– Set up meetings with community members/non-profit leaders if you’re staying in town or set up informational interviews with alumni from your school who work in relevant fields
– Sign up all chapter members for free youth membership to receive email updates throughout the year
– Plan for Activity Fair: request activity fair supplies from UNA
– Book rooms in advance for fall semester events like UN Day (October)
– Plan a back-to-school fundraiser for Adopt-a-Future
– Plan a social event to welcome new and returning chapter members after the Activity Fair!