The UN is turning 75!

UN75 Global Consultations

To mark its 75th anniversary in 2020, UN Secretary-General António Guterres announced that the UN is planning to host the biggest-ever global conversation on the role of global cooperation in building the future we want.

Throughout this year, UNA will engage its network of over 200 chapters and more than 20,000 members in the U.S. to conduct “Global Consultations” that will elevate policy recommendations to achieve a sustainable future by 2045. Our goal is to engage Americans in all 50 states.

Notes and recommendations from the Global Consultation will be provided to the United Nations and key decision makers within the public sector, including Members of Congress.


Tell UNA you're hosting a consultation!

The UN wants to hear from you! If your chapter is planning to host a UN75 consultation, please let us know.

Please pay close attention the preferred deadlines to submit your report, which are included on the registration form and can be found in the UN75 Consultation Planning Guide.



The UN is asking three BIG questions:

Are you organizing or moderating a UN75 consultation?

From a sample agenda to the list of required consultation questions, we’ve compiled everything consultation organizers and/or moderators need to know.

Please also refer to this guide for instructions for successfully submitting your consultation feedback.