United Nations Day 2019

On October 24, 1945, the United Nations was created. Every year throughout October, UNA and its 200+ chapters around the country activate in their communities by hosting events centered around a certain global issue. This year, UNA focused on stepping up to confront the defining issue of our time: Climate change. This is our planet and our future.

2019 Theme

The United Nations has declared climate change the defining issue of our time. UN Secretary-General António Guterres has repeatedly called on us all to be leaders in the fight against climate change. We agree that it’s time we all commit to immediate climate action.That’s why our theme for UN Day 2019 is “Our Planet. Our Future.” 

The world can't wait any longer for climate action

From Portland and Los Angeles to Boston and St. Louis, our chapters hosted UN Day events to celebrate the UN, our planet, and our future.

Check out some our favorite highlights

We can’t turn our backs on the facts

The earth is getting warmer… fast. In fact, the past four years were the hottest ever on record. We must support the UN’s climate action priorities and join the global fight against climate change.

Tell Congress We Must Stand With the Paris Agreement





“Today, I am asking for your help in sounding the alarm and highlighting the solutions.”

At the 2019 Global Engagement Summit, UN Secretary-General António Guterres issued a call-to-action for UNA members and citizens of the world: We must all be local leaders in the fight against climate change. Learn more about the UN’s work on climate.


Chapter Spotlight

Fighting for Climate Justice in San Diego

Climate Action

"Yumi on Nomo": Pacific Island Youth Leaders Push Onwards 

Climate Action

Restoring Our Connection to Nature

UNA Members Stand Up for Climate Action